JOEB'SWOES by Luke Bert via Foxfire Ent.

JOEB'SWOES by Luke Bert via Foxfire Ent.


July 13, 2024.

The first bullet.  Less than -2 degrees angle.

The first bullet. Less than -2 degrees angle.

Surviving an assassination 

The first bullet probably did not actually hit Trump's ear, but passed within 1/2 " (50mm,) of it, taking part of his ear with it's passage. This becomes important in just a bit.  Notice the bullet is not tumbling, and has not been deflected. It is traveling the same path it started on, but is starting to drop, because of distance travelled 165 yards, or 495'(150m.) But Crook was 154 yards, 462' or 140m away.  

Luke Bert Richardson (Eluwei Hatton)
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